Audit log as PDF

  • Live

Johannes Biehl

Would be nice to have a Audit-Log with each signed Document as a downloadable PDF-File.


Activity Newest / Oldest


Raelon White

The audit file should be attached to the contract.



Audit log is way to long, it should only be 1 page. Also because it shows the signers email I can't use this site because I'm a Realtor and I don't want the other side of a deal to have my clients direct info

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Lê Đình Tuấn

too lengthy, sometimes the contract is only 2 pages but the audit-log are 5-9 pages because person to sign views the contract so many times. Should represent audit log on one page only.

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Peter Johnson

Please allow document author to determine whether or not an audit log is sent to signers. Agree with others that log should be separate document.


René Romero

Merged with: Download Audit Log as Separate PDF


R. Scott Kimsey

There should be an option to download the signed PDF and Audit Log separately, instead of having them both in the same PDF.


Axiom Processing Experts

Please generate an option to have the audit log on a separate doc as opposed to the original signed document.


Axiom Processing Experts

Please fix Signaturely to attach a *separate* PDF of the audit log to the final email. It's way too clunky to have it tacked on to the end of each document :/


WRX Online

Would be great, to have to option to seperate or not.

  • K
  • R

WRX Online

Also it would be the best, if you attach the audit as an attachment of the PDF (it's possible), so it will be not part of the original document, but as a real audit attachment to check).

  • K

Jwana Altwaim

Where can we access this exactly? I tried to download the contract and it's not attached to it and I couldn't find any buttons to download the activity.


Andrew Cabasso

How do we access this? And does it work on documents prior to this update's Live date?

  • J

Jwana Altwaim

Same questions...


Adam Theis

Does this get automatically emailed as attachment or must it be downloaded?


René Romero

Status changed to: Live


Stephen Kreyling

Can you supply a drawn out look at what they log would look like?

  • G

Will Cannon

Status changed to: In progress


Stephen Kreyling

This is the only thing that is keeping me from buying a license on the product. I have to see it before I move forward.

  • G

Gamble Gambloff

I have no idea how this is not already included in the functions, this is the whole idea of the service - being able to prove legitimacy of someone's signature.

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  • A

Ray Alkalai

it would be great to be able to download it all on one pdf

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  • J

Adam Theis

Attach a PDF of the completed document to the final email. Preferably with an audit trail attached to the last page confirming who signed/where/etc (but only to the initiator).

  • K
  • A

René Romero

Merged with: PDF Attachment


Thomas de Wert

Very important as we need to provide Audit-log in PDF-files for legal purposes.

  • A

camilo alfonso vargas

Buenas noches es bueno tener un registro en el mismo archivo descargado en PDF


Aerova Digital

This is important, so that trail can be provided with each signed document


Alex Bainov

This would be a huge timesaver. My current platform automatically attached the PDF of the signed doc and the audit log as a separate PDF. It is a waste of time having to login into the platform, go to docs, download, then download audit log, etc.

  • G

Will Cannon

Status changed to: Planned